
Live: Breaking News

Cristina Tavares Correia

Breaking news is something that just happened or was discovered. It is crucial, to the point of receiving an alert on your mobile phone or interrupting the program that is playing on television.

Journalists are like detectives and will do anything to get to the place quickly and to tell you everything that happened. But responsible people, police or witnesses do not always have all the answers to give them. Pieces may be missing, as in a puzzle you are trying to build. It is still good to keep up with developments until more answers, and more certainty is found.

Even when the news is bad. For example, a disaster or a severe accident, there are almost always people and authorities doing everything to resolve the situation or to prevent it from becoming more serious.

If you still don’t understand what’s going on, you’re scared or need to talk about what you’ve just seen, talk to your parents or another adult. They can explain it better and help you stay calmer.

Do not forget that there are also many stories circulating on this topic that are not always true, they are fakes. LEARN MORE HERE

If you check social media to learn about the latest Breaking News, remember this: people are giving their opinion on Facebook or Instagram. Their opinion does not mean that they are always right. Check the news channels.

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