
With games you can learn awesome things

Cristina Tavares Correia

Games can be a super fun way to spend your free time. Whether conquering territories or eliminating enemies, completing difficult trials or collecting treasures. You are learning.

It is a great way to exercise your skills, such as speed, observation or attention, and also to make friends when you play online.

What's even more fantastic is that, in addition to having fun and making friends, you can also learn from games. With some, you can learn a foreign language, like English or Spanish. With others, you can discover that numbers are fun and, without realizing it, you are gaining superpowers in mathematics.

Some games teach you more about the world around you, like where the countries are, and others, where you can become a scientist and learn about some of Science's best, kept secrets. There are even online games that cutely teach you music so that you can later learn to play an instrument and become a guitar or piano master.

They call them educational games because you can learn in a fun way and thus increase your arsenal of talents. Have you seen the number of benefits?

Another important tip is to choose the best games for your age. Some are too difficult, others have themes that are not appropriate for your age. So, how about starting your search for the game that will make you even more talented and intelligent?

Ask your parents for help - who knows, they might even get excited and can all play together ... just like this game - STRIKE A FAKE

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